Wednesday 16 October 2013

Monster Hunter Jetpack

I think that a really fun item to add to the game Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is a jet pack. I know it seems like a crazy concept. If you are familiar with the Monster Hunter Series you will think to yourself "a jet pack definitely doesn't fit in this universe". You may be right but I want to talk about how and the why the mechanics of a jet pack-esque mechanic would work extremely well in this series.

Let me begin with a brief description of what the game is and how it works. In the game, you play as a character that simply hunts monsters. You have a variety of customization options with what armour and weapon types you can build and use. You traverse different environments in order to seek out monsters, slay them, and use their bodies to create weapons and armour that make you stronger. Each weapon you can use adds immense variety to the game since each weapon feels different when used and have different effects. To name a few there is the bow, which is a bow and arrow long ranged weapon, the great sword which is a very heavy hitting sword but is slow  to use, and the hunting horn which is very beneficial when in a party because playing it boosts stats of players. How the player moves throughout the environments/levels is quite standard. You move with the analog stick in any direction, you can climb up vines to get to a vantage point, and you can use a dodge roll to escape the grasps of monsters. The thing that is lacking in this game is a definitive jump button.

Now this is where the jet pack comes into play. It would add jump mechanics with more benefits than just simply jumping. The jet pack would allow so many different features to the already vast world of monster hunter. When monsters approach from the sky there isn't much you can do when wielding an axe or sword except just wait for them to land. Being able to fly up to them when they approach or flee would keep the player engrossed in the battle even more. Being able to get up and personal in the air would be a really cool feature and perhaps could lead to new aerial weapons being created. While traversing through the game there are some slow parts like scaling the side of a mountain or climbing up vines. The character takes a long time to move up these obstacles and having a jump mechanic or fly mechanic would allow the player to avoid these situations and get right back into the action.

This item would need to be balanced and logically incorporated into the game of course. You wouldn't be able to fly forever with the pack on. Perhaps there would be something similar to the stamina bar they have, where it runs out quite quickly but takes time to regenerate. Maybe you would only have a set amount of it per map so you would have to choose wisely to use it to traverse obstacles quicker or to use it during the battles. I think to balance it even further you could make it more limited depending on what weapon a player chooses to use. For example, if you take a really heavy weapon like the great sword, your time in the air is more limited opposed to someone who takes the small sword and shield.

This idea might seem totally odd but I think with the art design it could fit in the world quite nicely. Diddy Kong used a jetpack, and he's a monkey. I'm sure it could work in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate as well.

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